Monday, August 10, 2009


Today is my parents 52nd anniversary. I just love them. They are like one big giant hug. I spoke with them this morning because I didn't get my weekly Sunday call in. Yeah, I suck at time management. But this was better because today was their anniversary. So I acted like I meant to do it...shhh.

That 52 years has been full of ups and downs, but they have weathered the storms of life and come out the other end better and more in love. I asked my dad if it felt like 52 years, and he said "It just gets better everyday". I am glad that no matter what life has thrown at them, they work out the problems of life TOGETHER and still like each other. They are coming down for mom's 4th anniversary of her liver transplant. Gotta look under the hood to make sure that all is well. So, I am glad to have both of them still here. It didn't seem like that could be possible 4 years ago.

So, in this world of divorce and death/illness, I have a somewhat rosy view of what 52 years of love looks like and I am thankful to my mom and pop for that.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The 2 Davids...

My dad is so proud to have his great grandson named "Preston David". He resuses to call him Preston, rather, he calls him - David. Preston is rather partial to his "papaw"...

Dad will even wear Mardi Gras Beads - just for Preston, err uhh, David.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

His name is Pehhbert..

Kristin taught Jocie everyone's REAL NAMES and Pappy's name is Herb/ is her version of "Herbert"...