Tuesday, June 30, 2009

How to Lose the Married 15...

Today on Health.MSN, I read an article "How to Lose the Married 15"! Ummm, times that by three and you have me...blechhht.

The article was just what I needed. (for the moment). It highlighted a woman who wanted to lose 30 pounds - She (Magda) decided to do this by tweaking her eating to more "whole foods" - less refined foods and being more active, the more active part led to running a 10 mile race...Hmm, my friend Jo and I are going to do a 10k in Octoberat Disney MGM Studios...

Here is what Magda did....
Her Incentives:
1st 10 pounds - eyelash extensions
2o pounds - tatoo
30 pounds - nose piercing

Those are not MY incentives! But I am going to think long and hard and see what I can come up with for mine.

What Magda Learned to Do:
KEEP CREATING INCENTIVES. "I didn't want to fall into old habits after my 10-mile race, so I signed up for a half and a full marathon before race day."
PLAN FOR SUCCESS. "Failing to plan is planning to fail. You must plan your meals and workouts, and you must stick with your plans as closely as possible. If I'd allowed every lunch meeting or office party to get in the way, I'd never have reached my goals."
START EVERY DAY FRESH. "We're all human and we're all going to have slipups, and that's okay. Instead of dwelling on them, move on and embrace the opportunity that exists with each new workout and meal."
DON'T STRESS OVER THE SCALE. "There are bigger indicators of success than a number on a scale. I didn't lose a pound my first month of eating better, but I felt happier and more energetic. And though I didn't drop 31 pounds by my 31st birthday, I was training to run 10 miles, which was huge!"
LIVE IN YOURSELF. "I'm living proof: With faith and discipline, you can accomplish whatever you put your mind to."Don't Let Fear Hold You BackTwo years ago, Magda had barely run a mile, ridden a bike, or gone swimming underwater. Today, she's a marathoner and triathlete. You can make big changes too, says John Spencer Ellis, CEO of the Spencer Institute for Life Coaching. Here's his advice on how to venture outside your comfort zone:
TAKE BABY STEPS. Don't try to run five miles your first time out. Over-doing it will only make you want to quit.
FIND A TEACHER. Tackling a new challenge alone makes it more frustrating. Turn to an instructor or an experienced friend to give you feedback and support.
LAUGH AT YOURSELF. Being able to shrug off mistakes puts failure into perspective. (Really, what's the worst that can happen?)
ENVISION SUCCESS. Think of something you do well — even if it's your keen ability to get the kids out of the house on time — and recall how you worked up to where you are now. Then apply those same steps to your new goal.


I am on my way! I did 5 miles yesterday! 1 in the morning and 4 in the evening. I want to split it more evenly...but this morning thing is rough...Tonight, Herb and I are swimming laps after I walk/run. Can't wait til I don't have to "walk/run" I wanna just run...did I mention the jigglies are awful when running! I need to wear multiple bras. Grrr. I know TMI - Hee Hee!


Erika said...

Why do older women get their noses pierced? I hope I am old enough to know that I would look ridiculous with a stud in my nose. Good luck and keep up the good work.

Jeanette said...

Love this! Such great advice.

Herbsgirl said...

Yeah, the nose thing...not so much! My sister has one and she wears a black onyx stud...looks like a giant black-head!